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E-Moves 19

May 2 – 5, 2018 – 7:30 pm – 9:30 pm

4 Contemporary African choreographers have been commissioned to create, or re-imagine, new work across the spectrum of contemporary idioms. The emergence of artists from the continent of Africa who are first or second generation American or transnational is expanding the field of modern dance. E-Moves 19 presents innovative artists that will create culturally referential work which is contemporary, arresting and fresh. Adaku Utah, Lacina Coulibaly, Ousmane Wiles and Nora Chipamire wrestle with questions that push the boundaries of what it means to be African in America now. #Nigeria #BurkinaFaso #Senegal #Zimbabwe
Cost: $20 for adults; $35 for VIP.  All tickets sales are final, no refunds or exchanges. Valid ID required to pick up tickets.
Harlem Stage Gatehouse
150 Convent Avenue at West 135th Street
New York NY 10031

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