Free Food To Snowbound Travelers!!!
St. Luke AME Church in Harlem (, under the leadership of Pastor Melvin Wilson, packed up 250 turkey sandwiches, chips, and drinks for post holiday travelers stranded in 2 feet of snow at Penn Station and the Port Authority Bus Terminal in New York. The bagged lunch outreach effort was put together after Pastor Wilson witnessed countless news reports of thousands of people stranded with no place to go. That is when he called on volunteers from his congregation to begin a massive outreach effort to feedand brighten the hopes of the seemingly hopeless.
“At first the airport and MTA officials told me they had everything under control and they did not need our assistance,” says Pastor Wilson. “By that time we had already ordered the food and organized volunteers so we just showed up.” About 7 volunteers handed out 250 bagged lunches with an inspirational message that read “Provided With Love By St. Luke A.M.E.

Church, New York, NY.”
They passed out the lunches to stranded passengers at Penn Station and the Port Authority Bus Terminal. Most of the people who received the sandwiches were very grateful. St. Luke AME Church is known for these ‘random acts of kindness.’ During the summer heat wave, and as part of an Evangelistic Outreach, the church passed out thousands of bottles of water for free to people in the New York City area. They also have used thousands of dollars from the church’s benevolent offering fund to assist persons from all walks of life with various needs. All of these acts of kindness include an inspirational message of hope for people who may be going through something at the time. “Part of our church’s mission statement is that we not only preach the gospel, but that we also feed the hungry, clothe the naked, and shelter the homeless,” says Pastor Wilson. “These random acts of kindness are just a small way to administer to the needs of other people.” Pastor Wilson says that we have been blessed to be a blessing, and when people are on the receiving end of these blessings, it brightens their day, warms the heart of the giver, and puts us in compliance with what Jesus Christ would have his church to do.
For more information on the outreach efforts at St. Luke AME Church or to schedule an interview with the pastor or church volunteers contact Leslie Patterson-Tyler at (609) 247-2632. Pictures of the distribution are also available for publication.
Worship Services
Bible Study & Church School – 8:45 am
Worship – 10:00 am
Spanish Worship (1854 Amsterdam) – 10:00 am
Love Feast (1st Sunday) 9:30 am
Holy Communion (1st Sunday)
Holy Baptism (3rd Sunday)
Bible Study – 11:00 am & 7:00 pm
Bible Study – 10:00 am
Youth Church School & Bible Study– 9:00 am
New Disciples Class – TBD (Check Events Calendar)