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NYC’S Oldest Bridge Re-Opens Above the Harlem River This July

New York’s City’s High Bridge, while currently in a dormant and closed-off state since the mid-1970s, is set to reopen to the public this summer, as a five year plan to rejuvenate one of the city’s oldest functioning relics nears completion.The High Bridge in present day. Photo:
Although public hearings began over design concerns in 2010, construction on the new High Bridge commenced in August 2012, after a bidding competition granted the Schiavone Construction Co. responsibility over the building contract. The project, although tentatively near completion, won’t see the newly minted High Bridge open until July 25th, when the city will welcome the public to an unveiling ceremony that will boast attractions like public art and guided tours.
Interestingly, the High Bridge, which was originally built in 1848 to funnel water down from Westchester to Manhattan as part of the Croton Aqueduct System, will be standing on top the system’s original pipes (yay history!), so you’ll get to traverse some of NYC’s original infrastructure, if you so choose to stroll down its broad path.
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By: Sam Blum | June 4, 2015

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