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Q and A with Marva Allen

In a new series, Morningsider will bring you exclusive interviews with neighborhood VIPs. Here is an excerpt of their first interview…

The first interview is with Marva Allen, founder of Hue-Man Bookstore & Café, located at 2319 Frederick Douglass Boulevard (between 124th and 125th Streets). Since opening its doors in 2002, Hue-Man has pursued a mission to inspire, educate and inform through the medium of book sales and café delights. The bookstore quickly established itself as a cornerstone in the revival of Harlem and flourishes today.

1. Tell us about the Hue-Man Bookstore.

A privately held company, Hue-Man Bookstore & Cafe LLC is one of the largest and best known African-American bookstores in the country, and enjoys the reputation of a top-flight organization nationwide. With a stream of events and appearances by well-known guests and everyday authors, Hue-Man has hosted such literary figures as Muhammad Ali, Maya Angelou, Toni Morrison, former President Bill Clinton, Secretary of State Hillary Rodham Clinton, Alicia Keys, Walter Mosley, LeRoy Neiman, George Wein, Ossie Davis and Ruby Dee – just to name of few.

Since its infancy, Hue-Man quickly emerged as a major player in the cultural life of Harlem, becoming a community hub for local New Yorkers as well as a national mecca for intellectual pursuits. Informative, enlightening, and enriching, the bookstore boasts 23 to 25 calendar events per month.  Hue-Man offers the traditional atmosphere of a bookstore, which is warm and inviting, yet modern in its design and aesthetically pleasing.  The store features the work of the Diaspora, a variety of non-ethnic titles, and an extensive children’s collection.

2. We heard you were partnering with Busboys & Poets from Washington, DC. Can you tell us about that?

Busboys and Poets, a D.C. based company is a great concept with a wonderful business model. A collaboration between us would enhance both our brands and extend our missions which are very similar…to serve and strengthen community.  We’ll be happy to share more information as it becomes available.

3. In the age of Kindles and iPads, why is a great independent bookstore like yours still so critical to the community?

Clearly the Kindle and iPad provide another delivery system….optimized for some but nothing in my opinion should replace a book.  Authors can’t sign Kindles and iPads. Sometimes progress is not progress at all, and I’d rather turn the page with my kid than read from a Kindle. Plus they run out of batteries! People will make the choice that best suits their lifestyle, but nothing should every replace Sunday Dinner with the family, books with pages, and dog ears.

4. There are so many great events taking place at Hue-Man in November. Is there anything specific you’d like to draw attention to?

On December 7 from 6-8pm, we will be hosting Thought Leader John Hope Bryant of Operation Hope.  The message of economic empowerment he brings is one every Harlemite should hear.    We should indeed be moving rapidly from Civil rights to Silver Rights.

5. Who is your favorite author and why?

I have so many.  I read authors of every nationality, every race, every creed… that’s really the only way to get a panoramic view of the world and its cultures.  So, I go from Milton to McMillan.  If I had to choose one writer, I’d probably say Paulo Coelho.

6. What books have you read lately that you would recommend?

The Sisterhood by Nichol Bradford, 32 Candles by Ernessa T. Carter…and The Guardians of Time, which is not yet published but should be if only real authors could get publishing contracts.

7. Any good new Harlem related books you can recommend?

Yes, a wonderful new coffee table book by Deborah Willis: Harlem: A Century in Images… just beautiful!

Hue-Man Bookstore & Café
2319 Frederick Douglass Blvd
(Between 124th and 125th Streets)
New York, NY 10027
Tel: 212-665-7400
Fax: 212-665-1071
Store Hours:
Mondays – Saturdays  10:00 a.m. – 8:00 p.m.
Sundays  11:00 a.m. – 7:00 p.m.
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